Sunday, April 6, 2014

Seedlings are in the ground!

Here are some pictures of how we planted the seedlings. 

In this bed we used the square foot gardening method. The green fencing is for the cucumbers that we planted.

Close up of the cucumber seedlings.

In this bed we planted the corn and beans. Corn and beans grow very well together. In fact, Native American Indians would plant corn, beans, and squash together. They called this method "The Three Sisters". The beans produce nitrogen which helps the corn, the corn provides a place for the beans to grow on, and the squash help protect against pests. 

These are my herbs! They seem to be doing pretty well so far. We used the trash bag method on them. It helps protect from weed over growth and it helps to retain moisture. 

Above is some of the tomatoes and the okra. 

Every year that we have planted lettuce, we have planted it in a pot. It seems to be the best method for us because it can stay on the porch and have more shade. Here in Florida sometimes it's easier just to put plants in pots and move them in and out of the shade, because the sun can be so intense. A lot of time plants that say they are full sun, we will actually plant in a spot that gets sun for only half the day. If we do place them in the full sun they have to be watered morning, afternoon, and evening. 

How is your planting and growing going?

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