Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Beginning

In an effort to garden more and be more productive in the garden, I thought a blog might help. Maybe not but I am going to give it a try.

Our first effort to make our yard more for food than decoration was about four years ago. We did pretty good see photos.

 It was exciting and beautiful to watch seeds grow into plants then plants produce fruits/vegetables. I was hooked! I wanted to plant every season. I wanted to make my garden better every year. I read a couple of books: and I also really enjoyed They have all been helpful in gardening each year. Now, have I used them each year...well no, but I should have. Did my garden get better every year? A little I think. We have fought fungus, caterpillars, stink bugs, and cats. Yes, that's right cats. We have two cats and they are always eager to break steams or eat our bounty. This year we have a new addition to those that are breaking steams and eating the bounty. He is our "little boy". Our little 18 month old ball of energy. He is super helpful. *wink* wink*.

This year's beginning is going to be different though for us. We are trying to go all organic with our gardening and I am using only heirloom seeds. We also have done some remodeling to our backyard garden in hopes that it will grow more food!

Here are some photos of what our garden looks like now pre and post remodel.

We went from three to two raised beds with a patio area for a table I hope to get to be able to plant seeds and store equipment on.
Here is a picture of my current work station:

We also have three other raised beds on the other side of our house that my husband made of cypress wood last year. They worked out great! Two of them are 4x8 feet and the other is 4x5 feet.
 I heard about an organic garden store here in our area and we went to visit It's a really neat little store with a lot of hydroponics gear if you are interested in gardening that way. They also have tons of organic and natural fertilizers and pest control products. I ended up getting some soil testing kits.
Well, wish me luck. As you can see in the photos above the seeds have been planted!

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